Today Kingdom Hearts III director Testuya Nomura has announced a new set of trailers for Kingdom Hearts III via the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account.
Check out the schedule below:
December 10th: New Trailer
December 18th: Final Trailer
December 21st: 30-second trailer (For Cinema)
こんばんは。また来月と言いましたがいつだいつだと右往左往させてしまうのも申し訳ないので予知させて頂きます。次回のトレーラー公開は12月— キングダム ハーツ (@_KINGDOMHEARTS) 27 novembre 2018
まだ編集中なので予定です。なので公開時間までは未定です。では今度こそまた来月@野村 #_KH
Additionally, people who pre-orders the game at Amazon U.S. and Canada will get a "Dawn Until Dusk Keyblade DLC", plus $10 credit will be gifted to Amazon Prime members.
Kingdom Hearts III is set to release on January 25th 2019 in Japan and January 29th 2019 in North America and Europe.